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To cope with the clients' need for IP protection in China and other areas of the world, we have established a close working relationship with multi-national enterprises and well-known intellectual property companies throughout Asia, Middle East, Europe, America, Africa and Oceania in almost 180 countries. Most notably, we have become part of a global cooperative network based on its cooperative relationship with well-known intellectual property companies around the world, which has established us in the global cooperative platform of IP protection within a short period of time since its establishment.
We provide foreign and domestic clients with various high-level services regarding all Intellectual Property Right, Patent, Trademark, Utility Model, Design, Law, Copyright, Litigation, Application as well as general legal practices in Asia, Middle East, Europe, America, Africa and Oceania in all countries such as China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Thailand, UAE, Israel, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Iran, Germany, England, France, Spain, Russia, Norway, Poland, Hungary, Denmark, Italy, Ukraine, Austria, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Benelux, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Cuba, Colombia, Honduras, Venezuela, Surinam, Morocco, South Africa, Sudan, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Nigeria, Kenya, Mozambique, Libya, Liberia, Algeria, Angola, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji Islands, etc.